Empowering Individuals through “A Table for One”

Empowering Individuals Through the Table for One Program

Monica Nagele speaks to a group of people about nutrition and griefMonica Nagele offered QFBW’s May Grief Education Series session “A Table for One” at Fusion54 on May 30. The session introduced individuals accustomed to preparing meals for a family to ways to adapt to cooking for one. The presentation covered essential topics such as basic nutrition guidelines, meal planning, mindful eating strategies, quick and easy meal preparation techniques, recipe reduction, food safety, and the intersections of grief and nutrition. Often, caregivers have spent years caring for others placing the needs of their loved ones above their own, and so it was no surprise that when asked about their own meal preferences, attendees struggled to identify special wants rather than what was already in the refrigerator. Jai helped participants consider the ways they actively experience grief and offered some strategies to support wellbeing as each person heals their grief.

QFBW is grateful for Monica’s dedication and willingness to partner to meaningfully impact the lives of those navigating the challenges of cooking for one. The success of the Table for One program exemplifies the positive outcomes that collaborative efforts and community support can achieve in addressing essential needs and promoting overall well-being. We look forward to partnering with Monica in the future!

Want to learn more? You can learn more about nutrition and grief in this podcast, “Can Comfort Food Comfort Grief?” with Monica and Jai.